Camp Expectations

Attendance: All those attending Ozark Family Camp are expected to be at each chapel service. Each person is expected to attend the classes designated for their age group. Necessary exceptions should be reported to the camp director.

Dress: There is a dress code at Ozark Family Camp. All clothing worn should be honoring to the Lord. To that end, modest clothing is required. Shorts for men and women must come at least half way down to the knee. T-shirts are required for swimming and river activities. Those wearing immodest clothing will be asked to change.

Service: All those attending Ozark Family Camp should plan for a week of service one to another. Except for young children, everyone should plan on serving once daily (occasionally twice daily). Those tasks that must be accomplished include serving meals, cleaning the dining hall, washing dishes, various kitchen duties, cabin devotions in the teen bunkhouse, nursery, and many others.

Campers are expected to comply with the following camp rules:

  1. Absolutely no smoking, alcohol, or illicit use of drugs anywhere on the camp grounds or buildings.
  2. Everyone under the age of 18 must report to the camp director before leaving the grounds.
  3. No campers shall visit the stables at any time without camp staff supervision.
  4. No one, of any age, should enter the river unless a lifeguard is on duty.
  5. We will not tolerate misconduct in the bunkhouse (teen and young adult lodging.) Those who refuse to cooperate will be sent to their parent's room or sent home.
  6. No person under the age of 18 is permitted to go to the river or lake at any time unless accompanied by an adult.
  7. No radios, MP3 players, CD players, tape players, or TVs are to be played out on the grounds or in singles dorm rooms.

The items listed above have served us very well for many years. All campers should arrive at camp with the expectation that they will be enforced and a Godly desire to comply with them.